St. Bernard Schools
EducateThe education of a child involves a lot more than simply dropping and picking them up at a place. It encompasses a carefully planned process that both incorporates care, dedication, and involvement from the parents, the institution and the community. Toddland's Center enshrines this philosophy and believe that the excellent development of your child is paramount for their future, for you (as the parents) and for the community at large. We provide a convenient environment that focuses on technical know how through our use of modern training tools, highly skilled instructors/staff and the inclusion of programs that guarantees a successful future.
Invest in your Child's FutureToddland's Center is affiliated with the International Organization, ISCTD. The organization prides itself in its mission to promote education and give children the best opportunities to grow intellectually and become highly skilled and successful. Our affiliation gives us access to the various programs housed within the organization. Programs include scholarship programs, skills acquisition and development, Career counselling, etc. As such, our students stand to benefits tremendously from this affiliation. Our students automatically become members of the organization and are eligible for many of the programs available.
ImproveTake advantage of other programs and courses available to any of your children (and you) at a huge discount,as members, and provide the launch platform for success for your child and you.
St. Bernard Schools
3 Caroline Street,
Okuokoko, Delta State, Nigeria
Phone #:+(234) 9069158194/8069492343,
Email:[email protected]
Note: The St. Bernard School is located in Delta State, Nigeria and is operated by The BGN Foundation. For more inquiry about the school, please contact the foundation directly with contact information above. .
St. Bernard Schools
3 Caroline Street,
Okuokoko, Delta State, Nigeria
Phone #:+(234) 9069158194/8069492343,
Email:[email protected]
Note: The St. Bernard School is located in Delta State, Nigeria and is operated by The BGN Foundation. For more inquiry about the school, please contact the foundation directly with contact information above. .